Το Element Integra SP/DIF είναι σχεδιασμένο και κατασκευασμένο με μια συνεχή διαδρομή για το σήμα, ουσιαστικά ελεύθερο από τις ασυνέχειες που μπορεί να υποβαθμίσει το μουσικό σήμα . Μια αληθινή 75 Ohm ψηφιακή διασύνδεση με μια λεπτομερή, για μη κουραστικό ήχο, αποφεύγοντας την ψηφιακή «λαμπρότητα» που πλήττει πολλά φθηνά ψηφιακά καλώδια. Το Element Integra SPDIF έχει σχεδιαστεί για να ταιριάζει με τις προδιαγραφές ψηφιακού ήχου, διατηρώντας μια πραγματική αντίσταση 75 Ohm,που εξασφαλίζει χωρίς σφάλματα τη μετάδοση σημάτων ψηφιακών δεδομένων. Πολλά καλώδια στην πραγματικότητα δεν ανταποκρίνεται στο πρότυπο 75 Ohm λόγω αδυναμίες στον τρόπο που το ίδιο το καλώδιο κατασκευάζεται και συναρμολογείται.Η ψυχρή συγκόλληση χωρίς κόλληση με τους συνδετήρες μας θα αποφύγει τις διακοπές της συνέχειας και της συμπίεσης της θωράκισης του καλωδίου που προκαλούν προβλήματα αντίσταση και θα οδηγήσει σε κίνδυνο τις επιδόσεις jitter.Ο κεντρικός αγωγός είναι πολύκλωνος OFC (απαλλαγμένος οξυγόνου χαλκός), είναι μονωμένα με ένα εξαιρετικά χαμηλής απώλειας αφρώδες διηλεκτρικό πολυαιθυλένιο. Ο ήχος που προκύπτει είναι σαφής και δυναμικός με ελάχιστο jitter- επαγόμενο θόρυβο. Το Element Integra SPDIF είναι ένα ιδανικό ψηφιακό καλώδιο εισόδου μεταξύ των CD ή streamer και DAC. Μήκος 1 μέτρο.
The Element Achromatic BNC is designed to match the consumer digital audio specification by maintaining a true 75 Ohm impedance, ensure error-free transmission of digital data signals. Many cables actually fail to meet the 75 Ohm standard due to flaws in the way the cable itself is manufactured and assembled. Our cold-weld solder-free connectors avoid the continuity breaks and compression of the cable’s shielding screen which cause impedance problems and lead to compromised jitter performance. The central conductor is silver-plated multi-stranded OFC (Oxygen Free Copper), insulated by an extremely low-loss foamed polyethylene dielectric, the resulting sound being clear and dynamic with minimal jitter-induced noise. The Element Achromatic BNC makes an ideal entry level digital cable between CD transport or streamer and DAC – if your equipment has BNC socketry, this will normally offer superior performance to RCA connectors.
The Element Achromatic BNC is designed to match the consumer digital audio specification by maintaining a true 75 Ohm impedance, ensure error-free transmission of digital data signals. Many cables actually fail to meet the 75 Ohm standard due to flaws in the way the cable itself is manufactured and assembled. Our cold-weld solder-free connectors avoid the continuity breaks and compression of the cable’s shielding screen which cause impedance problems and lead to compromised jitter performance. The central conductor is silver-plated multi-stranded OFC (Oxygen Free Copper), insulated by an extremely low-loss foamed polyethylene dielectric, the resulting sound being clear and dynamic with minimal jitter-induced noise. The Element Achromatic BNC makes an ideal entry level digital cable between CD transport or streamer and DAC – if your equipment has BNC socketry, this will normally offer superior performance to RCA connectors.
The Element Achromatic BNC is designed to match the consumer digital audio specification by maintaining a true 75 Ohm impedance, ensure error-free transmission of digital data signals. Many cables actually fail to meet the 75 Ohm standard due to flaws in the way the cable itself is manufactured and assembled. Our cold-weld solder-free connectors avoid the continuity breaks and compression of the cable’s shielding screen which cause impedance problems and lead to compromised jitter performance. The central conductor is silver-plated multi-stranded OFC (Oxygen Free Copper), insulated by an extremely low-loss foamed polyethylene dielectric, the resulting sound being clear and dynamic with minimal jitter-induced noise. The Element Achromatic BNC makes an ideal entry level digital cable between CD transport or streamer and DAC – if your equipment has BNC socketry, this will normally offer superior performance to RCA connectors.
The Element Achromatic BNC is designed to match the consumer digital audio specification by maintaining a true 75 Ohm impedance, ensure error-free transmission of digital data signals. Many cables actually fail to meet the 75 Ohm standard due to flaws in the way the cable itself is manufactured and assembled. Our cold-weld solder-free connectors avoid the continuity breaks and compression of the cable’s shielding screen which cause impedance problems and lead to compromised jitter performance. The central conductor is silver-plated multi-stranded OFC (Oxygen Free Copper), insulated by an extremely low-loss foamed polyethylene dielectric, the resulting sound being clear and dynamic with minimal jitter-induced noise. The Element Achromatic BNC makes an ideal entry level digital cable between CD transport or streamer and DAC – if your equipment has BNC socketry, this will normally offer superior performance to RCA connectors.
The Element Achromatic BNC is designed to match the consumer digital audio specification by maintaining a true 75 Ohm impedance, ensure error-free transmission of digital data signals. Many cables actually fail to meet the 75 Ohm standard due to flaws in the way the cable itself is manufactured and assembled. Our cold-weld solder-free connectors avoid the continuity breaks and compression of the cable’s shielding screen which cause impedance problems and lead to compromised jitter performance. The central conductor is silver-plated multi-stranded OFC (Oxygen Free Copper), insulated by an extremely low-loss foamed polyethylene dielectric, the resulting sound being clear and dynamic with minimal jitter-induced noise. The Element Achromatic BNC makes an ideal entry level digital cable between CD transport or streamer and DAC – if your equipment has BNC socketry, this will normally offer superior performance to RCA connectors.
The Element Achromatic BNC is designed to match the consumer digital audio specification by maintaining a true 75 Ohm impedance, ensure error-free transmission of digital data signals. Many cables actually fail to meet the 75 Ohm standard due to flaws in the way the cable itself is manufactured and assembled. Our cold-weld solder-free connectors avoid the continuity breaks and compression of the cable’s shielding screen which cause impedance problems and lead to compromised jitter performance. The central conductor is silver-plated multi-stranded OFC (Oxygen Free Copper), insulated by an extremely low-loss foamed polyethylene dielectric, the resulting sound being clear and dynamic with minimal jitter-induced noise. The Element Achromatic BNC makes an ideal entry level digital cable between CD transport or streamer and DAC – if your equipment has BNC socketry, this will normally offer superior performance to RCA connectors.
The Hyper Achromatic RCA S/PDIF is designed to match the consumer digital audio specification by maintaining a true 75 Ohm impedance, ensure error-free transmission of digital data signals. Many cables actually fail to meet the 75 Ohm standard due to flaws in the way the cable itself is manufactured and assembled. Our cold-weld solder-free connectors avoid the continuity breaks and compression of the cable’s shielding screen which cause impedance problems and lead to compromised jitter performance. The cable benefits from a simplified version of the dual-drain system originally developed for our top-of-the-range Mavros and Asimi interconnects. Twin symmetrical drain wires connect the screen to the cable return/plug interface, meaning the cable can be terminated without distorting, twisting or mechanically stressing the precision-laid screen. The benefits are in maintaining a consistent low impedance load to the plug, and a total 360° screening against noise and signal loss caused by RFI (Radio Frequency Interference). The Hyper dd Achromatic RCA is a superior digital cable for connecting a CD transport or streamer to a DAC.
The Hyper Achromatic RCA S/PDIF is designed to match the consumer digital audio specification by maintaining a true 75 Ohm impedance, ensure error-free transmission of digital data signals. Many cables actually fail to meet the 75 Ohm standard due to flaws in the way the cable itself is manufactured and assembled. Our cold-weld solder-free connectors avoid the continuity breaks and compression of the cable’s shielding screen which cause impedance problems and lead to compromised jitter performance. The cable benefits from a simplified version of the dual-drain system originally developed for our top-of-the-range Mavros and Asimi interconnects. Twin symmetrical drain wires connect the screen to the cable return/plug interface, meaning the cable can be terminated without distorting, twisting or mechanically stressing the precision-laid screen. The benefits are in maintaining a consistent low impedance load to the plug, and a total 360° screening against noise and signal loss caused by RFI (Radio Frequency Interference). The Hyper dd Achromatic RCA is a superior digital cable for connecting a CD transport or streamer to a DAC.
The Hyper Achromatic RCA S/PDIF is designed to match the consumer digital audio specification by maintaining a true 75 Ohm impedance, ensure error-free transmission of digital data signals. Many cables actually fail to meet the 75 Ohm standard due to flaws in the way the cable itself is manufactured and assembled. Our cold-weld solder-free connectors avoid the continuity breaks and compression of the cable’s shielding screen which cause impedance problems and lead to compromised jitter performance. The cable benefits from a simplified version of the dual-drain system originally developed for our top-of-the-range Mavros and Asimi interconnects. Twin symmetrical drain wires connect the screen to the cable return/plug interface, meaning the cable can be terminated without distorting, twisting or mechanically stressing the precision-laid screen. The benefits are in maintaining a consistent low impedance load to the plug, and a total 360° screening against noise and signal loss caused by RFI (Radio Frequency Interference). The Hyper dd Achromatic RCA is a superior digital cable for connecting a CD transport or streamer to a DAC.
The Hyper Achromatic RCA S/PDIF is designed to match the consumer digital audio specification by maintaining a true 75 Ohm impedance, ensure error-free transmission of digital data signals. Many cables actually fail to meet the 75 Ohm standard due to flaws in the way the cable itself is manufactured and assembled. Our cold-weld solder-free connectors avoid the continuity breaks and compression of the cable’s shielding screen which cause impedance problems and lead to compromised jitter performance. The cable benefits from a simplified version of the dual-drain system originally developed for our top-of-the-range Mavros and Asimi interconnects. Twin symmetrical drain wires connect the screen to the cable return/plug interface, meaning the cable can be terminated without distorting, twisting or mechanically stressing the precision-laid screen. The benefits are in maintaining a consistent low impedance load to the plug, and a total 360° screening against noise and signal loss caused by RFI (Radio Frequency Interference). The Hyper dd Achromatic RCA is a superior digital cable for connecting a CD transport or streamer to a DAC.
The Hyper Achromatic RCA S/PDIF is designed to match the consumer digital audio specification by maintaining a true 75 Ohm impedance, ensure error-free transmission of digital data signals. Many cables actually fail to meet the 75 Ohm standard due to flaws in the way the cable itself is manufactured and assembled. Our cold-weld solder-free connectors avoid the continuity breaks and compression of the cable’s shielding screen which cause impedance problems and lead to compromised jitter performance. The cable benefits from a simplified version of the dual-drain system originally developed for our top-of-the-range Mavros and Asimi interconnects. Twin symmetrical drain wires connect the screen to the cable return/plug interface, meaning the cable can be terminated without distorting, twisting or mechanically stressing the precision-laid screen. The benefits are in maintaining a consistent low impedance load to the plug, and a total 360° screening against noise and signal loss caused by RFI (Radio Frequency Interference). The Hyper dd Achromatic RCA is a superior digital cable for connecting a CD transport or streamer to a DAC.
The Hyper Achromatic RCA S/PDIF is designed to match the consumer digital audio specification by maintaining a true 75 Ohm impedance, ensure error-free transmission of digital data signals. Many cables actually fail to meet the 75 Ohm standard due to flaws in the way the cable itself is manufactured and assembled. Our cold-weld solder-free connectors avoid the continuity breaks and compression of the cable’s shielding screen which cause impedance problems and lead to compromised jitter performance. The cable benefits from a simplified version of the dual-drain system originally developed for our top-of-the-range Mavros and Asimi interconnects. Twin symmetrical drain wires connect the screen to the cable return/plug interface, meaning the cable can be terminated without distorting, twisting or mechanically stressing the precision-laid screen. The benefits are in maintaining a consistent low impedance load to the plug, and a total 360° screening against noise and signal loss caused by RFI (Radio Frequency Interference). The Hyper dd Achromatic RCA is a superior digital cable for connecting a CD transport or streamer to a DAC.
The Atlas Ascent Ultra 75 Ohm SP-DIF digital cable is a superb cable which gives a considerable insight into the state-of-the-art performance of our ‘high-end’ Mavros interconnect at a very reasonable price. Ascent was designed to be technically and sonically superior to competing digital cables currently available at similar prices.Designed to maintain a true 75 Ohm impedance.The central conductor is made from OCC copper which is insulated by an extremely low-loss PEF (Foamed Polyethylene) dielectric. The tightly woven wire mesh together with an aluminium outer foil provides 100% rejection of RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) ensuring the music signal is free from any external noise. The cable is covered by a soft PVC sleeve and finished in a grey woven fabric.The Ascent digital cable is terminated with our cold-weld connected wideband Ultra RCA plugs. The result is a smooth, uninterrupted signal path which behaves as one continuous entity, with minimal degradation of the signal compared to soldered connections. This is particularly important in a digital cable, connectors which compress the cable can actually alter the cable’s impedance, which drops below the 75 Ohm specification, typically by up to 50%, reducing accuracy of the signal transfer.
The Atlas Ascent Ultra 75 Ohm SP-DIF digital cable is a superb cable which gives a considerable insight into the state-of-the-art performance of our ‘high-end’ Mavros interconnect at a very reasonable price. Ascent was designed to be technically and sonically superior to competing digital cables currently available at similar prices.Designed to maintain a true 75 Ohm impedance.The central conductor is made from OCC copper which is insulated by an extremely low-loss PEF (Foamed Polyethylene) dielectric. The tightly woven wire mesh together with an aluminium outer foil provides 100% rejection of RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) ensuring the music signal is free from any external noise. The cable is covered by a soft PVC sleeve and finished in a grey woven fabric.The Ascent digital cable is terminated with our cold-weld connected wideband Ultra RCA plugs. The result is a smooth, uninterrupted signal path which behaves as one continuous entity, with minimal degradation of the signal compared to soldered connections. This is particularly important in a digital cable, connectors which compress the cable can actually alter the cable’s impedance, which drops below the 75 Ohm specification, typically by up to 50%, reducing accuracy of the signal transfer.
The Atlas Ascent Ultra 75 Ohm SP-DIF digital cable is a superb cable which gives a considerable insight into the state-of-the-art performance of our ‘high-end’ Mavros interconnect at a very reasonable price. Ascent was designed to be technically and sonically superior to competing digital cables currently available at similar prices.Designed to maintain a true 75 Ohm impedance.The central conductor is made from OCC copper which is insulated by an extremely low-loss PEF (Foamed Polyethylene) dielectric. The tightly woven wire mesh together with an aluminium outer foil provides 100% rejection of RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) ensuring the music signal is free from any external noise. The cable is covered by a soft PVC sleeve and finished in a grey woven fabric.The Ascent digital cable is terminated with our cold-weld connected wideband Ultra RCA plugs. The result is a smooth, uninterrupted signal path which behaves as one continuous entity, with minimal degradation of the signal compared to soldered connections. This is particularly important in a digital cable, connectors which compress the cable can actually alter the cable’s impedance, which drops below the 75 Ohm specification, typically by up to 50%, reducing accuracy of the signal transfer.
The Atlas Ascent Ultra 75 Ohm SP-DIF digital cable is a superb cable which gives a considerable insight into the state-of-the-art performance of our ‘high-end’ Mavros interconnect at a very reasonable price. Ascent was designed to be technically and sonically superior to competing digital cables currently available at similar prices.Designed to maintain a true 75 Ohm impedance.The central conductor is made from OCC copper which is insulated by an extremely low-loss PEF (Foamed Polyethylene) dielectric. The tightly woven wire mesh together with an aluminium outer foil provides 100% rejection of RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) ensuring the music signal is free from any external noise. The cable is covered by a soft PVC sleeve and finished in a grey woven fabric.The Ascent digital cable is terminated with our cold-weld connected wideband Ultra RCA plugs. The result is a smooth, uninterrupted signal path which behaves as one continuous entity, with minimal degradation of the signal compared to soldered connections. This is particularly important in a digital cable, connectors which compress the cable can actually alter the cable’s impedance, which drops below the 75 Ohm specification, typically by up to 50%, reducing accuracy of the signal transfer.
The Atlas Ascent Ultra 75 Ohm SP-DIF digital cable is a superb cable which gives a considerable insight into the state-of-the-art performance of our ‘high-end’ Mavros interconnect at a very reasonable price. Ascent was designed to be technically and sonically superior to competing digital cables currently available at similar prices.Designed to maintain a true 75 Ohm impedance.The central conductor is made from OCC copper which is insulated by an extremely low-loss PEF (Foamed Polyethylene) dielectric. The tightly woven wire mesh together with an aluminium outer foil provides 100% rejection of RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) ensuring the music signal is free from any external noise. The cable is covered by a soft PVC sleeve and finished in a grey woven fabric.The Ascent digital cable is terminated with our cold-weld connected wideband Ultra RCA plugs. The result is a smooth, uninterrupted signal path which behaves as one continuous entity, with minimal degradation of the signal compared to soldered connections. This is particularly important in a digital cable, connectors which compress the cable can actually alter the cable’s impedance, which drops below the 75 Ohm specification, typically by up to 50%, reducing accuracy of the signal transfer.
The Atlas Ascent Ultra 75 Ohm SP-DIF digital cable is a superb cable which gives a considerable insight into the state-of-the-art performance of our ‘high-end’ Mavros interconnect at a very reasonable price. Ascent was designed to be technically and sonically superior to competing digital cables currently available at similar prices.Designed to maintain a true 75 Ohm impedance.The central conductor is made from OCC copper which is insulated by an extremely low-loss PEF (Foamed Polyethylene) dielectric. The tightly woven wire mesh together with an aluminium outer foil provides 100% rejection of RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) ensuring the music signal is free from any external noise. The cable is covered by a soft PVC sleeve and finished in a grey woven fabric.The Ascent digital cable is terminated with our cold-weld connected wideband Ultra RCA plugs. The result is a smooth, uninterrupted signal path which behaves as one continuous entity, with minimal degradation of the signal compared to soldered connections. This is particularly important in a digital cable, connectors which compress the cable can actually alter the cable’s impedance, which drops below the 75 Ohm specification, typically by up to 50%, reducing accuracy of the signal transfer.
Our finest wide bandwidth S/PDIF cable, utilising a silver-plated copper conductor, designed to be technically and sonically superior, without the typical noise-related ‘glare’ freqently found in inferior cables. Recommended for use whenever signal integrity is paramount, for example between CD transport or hi-res media player/streamer and DAC.A true reference class 75 Ohm digital cable.The Mavros 75 Ohm cable follows logically from our creating an outstanding analogue interconnect, the Mavros Ultra RCA.The Atlas design team has developed a cable with extremely precise transmission and termination standards, incorporating the same microporous PTFE (Teflon™) dielectric insulation as the other Mavros interconnects.The centre conductor is comprised of a monofilament conductor and 18 strands of super pure copper wire insulated by a thin layer of microporous PTFE. This new dielectric behaves almost like the theoretically perfect insulator –free air – with minimal effect upon the signal being transmitted. The previous highest performance insulator, solid PTFE, has a dielectric constant of around 2.1 whilst the new PTFE (Teflon™) foam improves this figure to around 1.5, providing for a 30% greater signal velocity and better signal integrity, particularly in the area of high frequency timing and stability.The co-axial double shielding layers are an aluminium Mylar™ foil followed by OFC (Oxygen Free Copper) braiding after which the whole cable is protected by a PVC jacket damped with cotton yarn.With a termination impedance of almost exactly 75 Ohms at 1 MHz and a low conductor-to-conductor capacitance of around 50 pF per meter the Mavros digital interconnect perfectly matches consumer digital audio equipment to ensure error-free transmission of high speed digital signals. The result is evident in the timing and dynamic range of musical performances where the temporal ‘smearing’ of lesser cables simply disappears.
Our finest wide bandwidth S/PDIF cable, utilising a silver-plated copper conductor, designed to be technically and sonically superior, without the typical noise-related ‘glare’ freqently found in inferior cables. Recommended for use whenever signal integrity is paramount, for example between CD transport or hi-res media player/streamer and DAC.A true reference class 75 Ohm digital cable.The Mavros 75 Ohm cable follows logically from our creating an outstanding analogue interconnect, the Mavros Ultra RCA.The Atlas design team has developed a cable with extremely precise transmission and termination standards, incorporating the same microporous PTFE (Teflon™) dielectric insulation as the other Mavros interconnects.The centre conductor is comprised of a monofilament conductor and 18 strands of super pure copper wire insulated by a thin layer of microporous PTFE. This new dielectric behaves almost like the theoretically perfect insulator –free air – with minimal effect upon the signal being transmitted. The previous highest performance insulator, solid PTFE, has a dielectric constant of around 2.1 whilst the new PTFE (Teflon™) foam improves this figure to around 1.5, providing for a 30% greater signal velocity and better signal integrity, particularly in the area of high frequency timing and stability.The co-axial double shielding layers are an aluminium Mylar™ foil followed by OFC (Oxygen Free Copper) braiding after which the whole cable is protected by a PVC jacket damped with cotton yarn.With a termination impedance of almost exactly 75 Ohms at 1 MHz and a low conductor-to-conductor capacitance of around 50 pF per meter the Mavros digital interconnect perfectly matches consumer digital audio equipment to ensure error-free transmission of high speed digital signals. The result is evident in the timing and dynamic range of musical performances where the temporal ‘smearing’ of lesser cables simply disappears.
Our finest wide bandwidth S/PDIF cable, utilising a silver-plated copper conductor, designed to be technically and sonically superior, without the typical noise-related ‘glare’ freqently found in inferior cables. Recommended for use whenever signal integrity is paramount, for example between CD transport or hi-res media player/streamer and DAC.A true reference class 75 Ohm digital cable.The Mavros 75 Ohm cable follows logically from our creating an outstanding analogue interconnect, the Mavros Ultra RCA.The Atlas design team has developed a cable with extremely precise transmission and termination standards, incorporating the same microporous PTFE (Teflon™) dielectric insulation as the other Mavros interconnects.The centre conductor is comprised of a monofilament conductor and 18 strands of super pure copper wire insulated by a thin layer of microporous PTFE. This new dielectric behaves almost like the theoretically perfect insulator –free air – with minimal effect upon the signal being transmitted. The previous highest performance insulator, solid PTFE, has a dielectric constant of around 2.1 whilst the new PTFE (Teflon™) foam improves this figure to around 1.5, providing for a 30% greater signal velocity and better signal integrity, particularly in the area of high frequency timing and stability.The co-axial double shielding layers are an aluminium Mylar™ foil followed by OFC (Oxygen Free Copper) braiding after which the whole cable is protected by a PVC jacket damped with cotton yarn.With a termination impedance of almost exactly 75 Ohms at 1 MHz and a low conductor-to-conductor capacitance of around 50 pF per meter the Mavros digital interconnect perfectly matches consumer digital audio equipment to ensure error-free transmission of high speed digital signals. The result is evident in the timing and dynamic range of musical performances where the temporal ‘smearing’ of lesser cables simply disappears.
Our finest wide bandwidth S/PDIF cable, utilising a silver-plated copper conductor, designed to be technically and sonically superior, without the typical noise-related ‘glare’ freqently found in inferior cables. Recommended for use whenever signal integrity is paramount, for example between CD transport or hi-res media player/streamer and DAC.A true reference class 75 Ohm digital cable.The Mavros 75 Ohm cable follows logically from our creating an outstanding analogue interconnect, the Mavros Ultra RCA.The Atlas design team has developed a cable with extremely precise transmission and termination standards, incorporating the same microporous PTFE (Teflon™) dielectric insulation as the other Mavros interconnects.The centre conductor is comprised of a monofilament conductor and 18 strands of super pure copper wire insulated by a thin layer of microporous PTFE. This new dielectric behaves almost like the theoretically perfect insulator –free air – with minimal effect upon the signal being transmitted. The previous highest performance insulator, solid PTFE, has a dielectric constant of around 2.1 whilst the new PTFE (Teflon™) foam improves this figure to around 1.5, providing for a 30% greater signal velocity and better signal integrity, particularly in the area of high frequency timing and stability.The co-axial double shielding layers are an aluminium Mylar™ foil followed by OFC (Oxygen Free Copper) braiding after which the whole cable is protected by a PVC jacket damped with cotton yarn.With a termination impedance of almost exactly 75 Ohms at 1 MHz and a low conductor-to-conductor capacitance of around 50 pF per meter the Mavros digital interconnect perfectly matches consumer digital audio equipment to ensure error-free transmission of high speed digital signals. The result is evident in the timing and dynamic range of musical performances where the temporal ‘smearing’ of lesser cables simply disappears.
SKU: 0014268
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