SKU: 49918

Earthquake Cinenova 7 Τελικός ενισχυτής 7 καναλιών 250W RMS/4Ω

Μετά από δύο χρόνια έρευνας και τρεις νέες τεχνολογίες, η Earthquake Sound παρουσιάζει με υπερηφάνεια τον πολυκάναλο ενισχυτή Cinénova 7. Εδώ και χρόνια οι audiophiles ζητούν έναν ενισχυτή που ανταγωνίζεται το Cinénova Grande στην ηχητική αριστεία. Το όνομα Cinénova αντιπροσωπεύει το αποκορύφωμα της ενίσχυσης ανεξάρτητα από την τιμή. Παραδοσιακά, οι ακροατές υποθέτουν ότι η μείωση της ισχύος και του κόστους θα επηρεάσει την ποιότητα του ήχου. Με μια συνεχή ζήτηση για αυτόν τον ενισχυτή, ο επικεφαλής μηχανικός του Earthquake, Joseph Sahyoun, κατέβηκε στα ερευνητικά εργαστήρια Earthquake, αποφασισμένα να σχεδιάσουν έναν ενισχυτή χωρίς συμβιβασμούς στην ποιότητα του ήχου και σε ανταγωνιστικές τιμές. Με 200 watts RMS ανά channel 8 ohms με all channels driven @230 volt ac ή 340RMS watts ανά channel σε ηχεία 4 ohms @ 230 volt ac Το βάρος των 36 Kg λέει πολλά. 

Κατόπιν παραγγελίας - Σύμφωνα με την αποθήκη του προμηθευτή
€3.270,00 Final Price
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Η σχεδιαστική φιλοσοφία Cinénova είναι ένας συνδυασμός παραδοσιακών αρετών υψηλής ποιότητας σε συνδυασμό με καινοτόμο σχεδιασμό κυκλωμάτων. Παράγεται χρησιμοποιώντας πατενταρισμένες τεχνικές κατασκευής,έτσι η παράδοσή του ζει στο νέο Cinénova 7 με έναν εντελώς μονομπλόκ σχεδιασμό και βελτιωμένη λειτουργία κατηγορίας AB. Το αποτέλεσμα είναι κορυφαία απόδοση στον κλάδο, καθιστώντας το Cinénova 7 έναν πραγματικό κορυφαίο ενισχυτή. Αρκετές νέες τεχνολογίες έπρεπε να δημιουργηθούν κατά τη διάρκεια της έντονης διαδικασίας ανάπτυξης προκειμένου να ελαχιστοποιηθεί ο σχεδιασμός αναφοράς Cinénova Grande. Σε αντίθεση με τη λογική σκέψη, δεν μπορείτε να μειώσετε τον ενισχυτή και να περιμένετε να έχει το ίδιο ακριβώς σε χαμηλότερο επίπεδο ισχύος. Δεδομένου ότι οι ακροατές δεν παίζουν απαλά σε μικρά, εύχρηστα ηχεία, οι ενισχυτές υψηλής απόδοσης πρέπει να κατασκευαστούν και να δοκιμαστούν με τα πιο αυστηρά πρότυπα. Όταν οι μικρότεροι ενισχυτές δοκιμάζονται με ηχεία με χαμηλή αντίσταση, τα ηχεία, χάνουν γρήγορα τον έλεγχο των μεγαφωνων των ηχείων. Αυτό έχει ως αποτέλεσμα λασπωμένο και παραμορφωμένο ήχο.

ο Cinénova 7 χρησιμοποιεί 8 τεράστια τρανζίστορ εξόδου ανά κανάλι, διασφαλίζοντας ότι ακόμη και τα πιο απαιτητικά ηχεία διατηρούν σε κάθε soundtrack και μουσική, θα αναπαράγεται με δυναμική ακρίβεια και άρθρωση.

ακόμα για τους ...ψαγμένους....

During the research process for the Cinénova 7, three core technologies were developed to optimize the amplifier and elevate its performance above its class:

The MARS technology (Magnetically Actuated Reanimation System) is a new type of protection system that enables the use of all the amplifier’s power resources without compromising the survivability of the amplifier under catastrophic conditions. Typical protection systems rely on fuses or relays that complicate the signal path thus degrading audio quality. MARS is different as it is not in the signal path, but works by sensing the electro-magnetic signature of the speaker output wire then translating this input into amperes flowing through the wire. Using the principle discovered by Danish Scientist H.C. Oersted, this design has no impact on the sound quality of the amplifier as it is totally separate from the audio circuits.
The internal communication of MARS is handled via optics rather than electrical circuits. This means MARS does not create an electromagnetic field as no current is flowing through wires. The signal path remains free of artifacts that impact and taint the sound in other designs as no amount of light activity can influence an electrical system.
Normally a relatively large safety margin is necessary because of the antiquated nature of traditional protection systems. MARS operates at 500khz speed making it deadly accurate. This enables the amplifier to utilize the outputs SOA (safe operating area) to the limit. This gives a MARS enabled amplifier 20 percent more power than an identical non-MARS amplifier.
During testing, the MARS technology showed that the output of the amplifier could be short-circuited at full power more than a thousand times with no damage to the amplifier. MARS does not use any relays or other damping-factor reducing mechanical switches that can wear out or fail over time. Instead, a specially designed circuit instantly shuts off the output drive.
In the event a short-circuit activates the MARS protection system, it continuously re-scans the output every 10 seconds. Normal operation automatically resumes as soon as the short-circuit condition is removed.

The ION technology (In-Circuit Optimization Network) is an advanced network of connection points on the Cinénova 7 circuit-boards. Traditionally, transistors and capacitors are paired, grouped and tested to ensure compatibility. However, it has been shown especially by exotic and esoteric audiophiles across the globe that even highly refined mass produced amplifiers have substantial room for improvement when individually tweaked and optimized. A lot happens when individual components are put together in a circuit. A certain margin of difference between two seemingly identical circuits exists. Some engineers refer to this as the “Ghost in the machine.” The option of being able to fine-tune and optimize a circuit even after it has been built would be the evolutionary solution - enter the ION technology. ION enables individual tweaking while remaining in a mass production environment.
When the circuit is completed, the ION network is connected to a specially designed diagnostics computer that automatically determines the optimal connections and ION then makes those connections permanent.

The ConCurrent power supply design ensures full power can be delivered at all times to all channels simultaneously. Earthquake engineers developed the parallel symmetric transformer with identical electromagnetic coupling for each secondary winding. Every channel has its own secondary winding, capacitor bank, rectifiers and output circuitry all mounted on massive, individually, vertically-ripped extruded aluminum heat-sinks. The individual channels remain sovereign and autonomous as sharing is not required. This guarantees that no matter how hard one channel is driven it will have no effect on surrounding channels.
Power supply efficiency, stiffness and strength are dependent on several factors. The ConCurrent design is the culmination of intense optimization of all known parameters. To stiffen the supply (lower regulation factor) the transformer cores are made of ferrite instead of a lower grade iron material. The windings are made with the same oxygen free copper that is used in high-end speaker cables. To ensure hum-free operation, the transformer is hard-wound and made with military grade high temperature lacquer. The ConCurrent power supply in the Cinénova 7 has a combined transformer rating of 2400VA

A high-end design using completely separate output blocks are largely unheard of in this class of amplifier, but with Earthquake’s enduring strive for quality and excellence there simply was no other way. From the loudest crescendo to the finest syllable, the Cinénova will remain composed and in control. We invite you to enjoy the unique ownership experience of this Cinénova amplifier that was designed by a brilliant mind and built with loving hands.


  • Ultimate sound quality
  • Low distortion
  • Monaural design
  • RCA Input:
    Accepts low-level signal from any source, such as a processor or receiver (0.4 VAC - 6 VAC)
  • Input Selector:
    To maintain signal integrity Cinénova-7 provides you with an “Input Selector Switch”, giving you (installer) the option to select between RCA or XLR inputs
  • Fully Balanced XLR Inputs:
    We recommend the use of fully balanced XLR inputs in cases when the distance between the Cinénova and the audio source is excessive and susceptible to noise interference
  • Input Sensitivity:
    Input selector gain set is based on your processor output voltage
  • Gold Plated Speaker Binding Posts:
    We recommend that you use a high quality wire constructed of fine, multi-strand copper 10 or 12 gauge
  • 12VDC Trigger:
    When the Cinénova detects an incoming 12VDC signal it will automatically power on